The assembly of
your outdoor fireplace

  • Assembly

All our outdoor fireplaces are based on the same concept and the same logic of assembly. As they are all modular fireplaces made up of independent precast blocks that are not cemented to each other, you just have to nest the blocks on top of each other to easily assemble them. First, read the tips and advice found below on this page. Then choose the assembly guide corresponding to your fireplace model. There, you will find the assembly photos row by row with instructions for each fireplace. 

Choosing its location.

To fully take advantage of your outdoor fireplace in your backyard, it is necessary to choose carefully a good location suited to install it. It’s better to place the front of your fireplace facing dominant winds. This way, the smoke will go toward the back of the fireplace and not toward you while airing your fire. Make sure that it will be safely located at a good distance of a building or other flammable material. Refer yourself to your local authorities for laws regarding distances.

The installation of the fireplace base.

On a turfed ground
(some stone dust will be necessary for this step)
Assemble your fireplace over turfed ground
cut the grass around the base of fireplace and replace with stony dust
Assemble your fireplace over turfed ground
Note : If you are about to assemble a fireplace which has a chimney, we advise to heighten the back of the fireplace by about ¼" (6 mm). As the majority of the weight of the fireplace is concentrated in this place, with the time it will return at the level by itself.
On concrete fondation (or paving stone)
(some cedar shingles will be necessary for this step)
assemble the base of your fireplace over concrete
Note: Always assemble your outdoor fireplace over their tiles because they have been conceived to resist to high temperatures of a fire.

Assembly of your outdoor fireplace blocks.

Once tiles are in place, refer to your assembly plan and to the pictures of your model.
You are now ready to assemble your blocks.

the flat side of the blocks goes inside the fireplace
Flat side (inside the fireplace)
the round side of the blocks goes outside the fireplace
Curved side (outside the fireplace)

Assembly of a fireplace with a chimney.

(for this step you will need 2 to 3 tubes of all purpose clear silicone)
put the slides before the assembly of the chimney of the outdoor fireplace
test the plate in place before the assembly of the chimney
put silicone in the chimney during the assembly of the fireplace
Note: A plate (painted steel, enameled steel or enameled cast iron) is mandatory on models with chimney. So the smoke will exit only by the inside of the chimney and that will help to keep its front clean. *(not applicable to the #130-3 model, conceived differently)

Now that your outdoor fireplace has been assembled, it pleases us to wish you a great season and we thank you for having relied on the company " Les Foyers Feu Ardent inc. ".

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Due to the very high demand for our models of outdoor fireplace and our production capacity, we are currently forced to produce them only in gray and beige for the moment.